Tips to Save You Time and Money

In today's economy, we are all watching our budget. What would you say if I told you that you could save much more if you not only clipped coupons, but also used price matches to save more money?

Here,  I'll share what I use to save around $20 - $30 per shopping trip.


The act of clipping coupons is more than just cutting out pieces of paper. It is an art..and as we all know, art equals mucho buckaroos.

Here are a list of coupon sites that I use regularly:

XTRA TIP: Not finding the coupons you need? On any of the sites listed above, you are usually prompted for your zip code. You don't have to put in your zip to clip. In fact, if you forego putting in the zip, you can change the zip out and get coupon offers that are presented in another state or another area of your state. For instance, just changing the zip to a Mississippi zip won me a $1 coupon on Cottonelle toilet paper. You can usually print at least two of each coupon...but sometimes, you can print up to four.


I'm sure almost all of us know that Wal-Mart will price match nearly anything in the store. Just be sure you bring in a local ad and make sure the sale has not expired. Be sure to keep an eye out for sales on items for which you have coupons, as this will rack up the bucks. Unfortunately, Wal-Mart will not price match meat or milk unless it is a national brand because they cannot be sure the quality is the same as their in house brand.

XTRA TIP: Think outside Wal-Mart!! Wally World is not the only place that price matches!! If you have a Fred's in your area, they advertise that they will match a competitor's price.

SURPRISE: Guess who else is in the price matching game? LOWE'S!! Although it is not advertised, Lowes will match the price of a competitor as long as you bring in the ad. This little trick saved me a whopping $80 on a Victorian LP gas heater!!


Here's another plus for Fred's. On Saturday only, Fred's will double coupons up to 75 cents. That's awesome!! I highly recommend this for things like toiletries and cleaning products!! Kroger also doubles coupons! So, even if you have a 25 cent coupon, if you take it to Fred's or Kroger, you will save 50 cents!


Make sure you are only clipping coupons on items you normally buy and use or on an item you would like to try. If you are just buying items because you saw a coupon for them - but they are not something you would ever consider using - you have just wasted money and time.


Other than the aforementioned sites and the newspaper, where else should you go for coupons? Try calling the customer service 800#listed on the back or side of the package. If you give a product rave reviews, you will usually get coupons in the mail. Also, try the manufacturer's website as well. For example: I emailed Honeysuckle White from their site ( and requested coupons after giving a glowing report of their ground turkey breast. A couple weeks later, I received about six $1 OFF coupons in the mail!

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