More Money $aving Strategies

I was inspired to blog this particular topic upon taking a stroll through my February issue of All You magazine. They offered some awesome coupons! Also, once you're done clipping from the magazine, be sure to head on over to and check out the coupons there. You will be able to print more coupons right at home!

Okay, so most of you probably already know about All You - but just in case you don't - here's a tidbit. The next time you're in Walmart, pick up the latest edition of All You and thumb through it. I used to buy the mag in the store, but once I saw how much I was saving, I decided to subscribe. I promise you, this mag pays for itself!

Another great mag to try? First for Women. Until recently, they didn't put coupons in this one. I guess they saw the success of All You and decided to give it a try.

Once in a while, Woman's World will have coupons in it, as do Good Housekeeping and sometimes Ladies Home Journal. A tweet to the wise: I'd just buy these mags in-store after checking to see what coupons are in there. There are usually not enough coupons to warrant purchasing a subscription.

Other tidbits:

Don't forget to check your Sunday paper. The inserts there are sometimes pretty good. If you know it will be especially great one week, I suggest getting more than one paper.

Another way to save? Have a coupon swap! I swap coupons with a friend all the time! She has several people who save their coupon inserts for her and once she's done clipping, she passes them on to me. I clip what I need and pass the savings along.

Coupon Gathering Ideas:

Ask your local community or senior center if you can place two coupon boxes near the front door. Once you have their permission, just take two shoeboxes - one with the lid {and a slit cut in the top of the lid} and one without. For the box with the lid - wrap both bottom and lid in craft or wrapping paper and affix the lid to the box. Either write on the box lid or make a sign with instructions to drop coupons in the slot. For the next box - cover with paper and then place a sign nearby with instructions to take the coupons needed. Instructions should include a request that if they take a coupon, to please put a coupon in the collection box. This way, a lot of coupons are swapped around.

Another idea is to have a Clipping Party. Invite several friends over. Each friend would need to bring the following: a potluck dish, scissors, and their stash of coupons. Once you have enjoyed the dinner, gather around the table and begin clipping coupons. Then, compare what you have - if a friend has multiples of a coupon, and you have a coupon they need, you can swap! It's a win-win situation!

Okay - that's it for this blog update. Happy clipping and I wish you blessed couponing!

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