What's So Great About Coupons?

What's so great about coupons?  I've heard the question countless times - and my answer is the same.  If you are on a tight budget and need to make your money stretch, clip coupons.  Even if you are not on a tight budget, your savings from couponing could go to fund your vacation, kid's college tuition, or even help line that nest egg you've started.  Everyone can benefit from clipping!

Now that I've peaked your interest, I know you're wondering just how much can be saved by clipping coupons.  That depends on factors like how much time you're willing to invest in clipping, how savvy you are with your couponing methods, and how good you are at acquiring the coupons you need.

Coupons are everywhere - you just have to know where to look!  Ah, but that's another post  ;-)

Stay tuned to Practical Coupon Queen - in the coming weeks, I'll be sharing couponing tidbits as well as introducing some wonderful options to teach you how to coupon practically!

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